Do you have a dream in your heart? A deep passion in your spirit? A calling that you know you’re here on this earth to fulfill?….
That you’re not living in the way you feel deep down
is possible for you?
(If so, keep reading.)
It’s all too common for people to have a passion or to feel called to a type of work, but to never really give it their all.. to never really put real consistent action behind it. Many use their circumstances as the reason, or other people’s needs as to why they can’t jump in fully. Then there are others who feel like they’re actively on it…doing what they know to do, but in actuality only following through on a percentage of what they know and not even realizing it.
Unfortunately, regardless of the reason or level of awareness, at the end of the day, the fire is never fully lit, the passion is never fully pursued and the dream is left unfulfilled. And no one wants that!
So, I’m offering a powerful hands-on workshop designed to re-ignite that fire:

Connect To Your Dreams Like Never Before and Go For Them Like CRAZY!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
10am – 12:30pm
500 Bishop Street NW, Suite E4, Atlanta, GA 30318
Price - $47

You’ll reconnect to:
what you want,
why you want it,
what you’re doing that’s hindering your progress, and
what you’re going to do about it.
“Loved the workshop! As a new actress I’m eager to tap into the honesty and vulnerability that comes with great authentic acting and the workshop allowed us to start that by examining ourselves. ” – T. Comer
This is where you get real with YOU and uncover just how much you really want it!
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials used are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.