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to go after what you really want.
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Apply for a FREE Live Your Passion Strategy Session

(The window for accepting applications has closed for 2016.  

To get on the waitlist for 2017, enter your name and email below. 


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enter your information below & Click Submit!

Strategy is a high level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty.

"You stepped in just when I was tired of stepping"

– P. Comer, Program Manager, North Carolina

What is a Live Your Passion Strategy Session?

A Live Your Passion Strategy Session is a 30-minute session where we laser-focus on identifying powerful and effective ways to support you in overcoming your challenges, so you can begin moving forward with the commitment and confidence you need.


“A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.  Thanks Pam!” 

- O. Thompson, Jewelry Designer/Hair Stylist, Atlanta, GA

Who Benefits The Most From A Live Your Passion Strategy Session?

A Live Your Passion Strategy Session is for you if you know in the deepest part of you that you’re meant for so much more than what you’re currently living and you’re now ready to do something about it.  It’s for individuals who:


  • Find themselves making minimal to moderate progress toward those big life goals/dreams and are ready to take leaps to finally achieve them.


  • Are very clear on what they want in life/career but need a strategy, plan of action, and support for executing the plan and staying focused and on course while dealing with the typical "life distractions" that exist.


  • Are tired of living a life they think they SHOULD live (i.e., doing things they think they should do) and want to create the life they REALLY want….an authentic life that reflects the truth of who they are.


  • Are seeking deeper meaning in their life and are ready to explore their deepest desires and life passions to gain clarity of passion and purpose, more life energy (including financial flow), and deep personal fulfillment.


"Thanks Pam!  You have done wonders for me - thanks to you, I am no longer my own worse enemy.  

-N. Lee, Entrepreneur/Consultant, Atlanta, GA ​


*We promise to never sell, rent, trade or share your email with any other organizations.

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