Human Design: A Tool For Thriving in Life, Relationships, and Career
"What we're here to express is that quality of uniqueness that differentiates us from everyone else." - Ra Uru Hu

Did you know that the path to greater fulfillment, the path to letting your deepest heart’s desires shine, the path to showing up as your best, most aligned, and empowered self is lined with tools to support you along the journey? Did you know that? You don’t have to do it all alone. Let me repeat (I’m standing on the mountain top now), “You Don’t Have To Do It All Alone Without Support!”
I’ve found that the best tools for thriving simply help you connect deeper to YOU, which is where your true power really lies. So, as we move through an incredibly powerful eclipse season, I’m feeling called to hip you to some of my favorite tools that can propel you forward in amazing and yet subtle ways. Today, we’ll start with one and others will be shared in future Tools For Thriving blog posts.
Okay, today, the first tool in this series is Human Design. Human freakin Design. This badboy is so seemingly unassuming, subtle, innocently reminding you of you, yet fostering massive transformation under the surface, quietly uplifting and enhancing all areas of your life (personal, relationships, and career). Using Human Design, which means starting by simply applying your strategy and authority, can begin to usher in a level of inner alignment and rightness within that is oftentimes challenging to consciously create through mental effort. And when there is alignment and rightness within, alignment and rightness begin to be reflected in your external, the world around you. I feel like an “AMEN” or “Hallelujah!” is needed at this point!
It's like the awareness provided through Human Design, the reminders of who YOU are…the unique individual you were created to be, help you choose to come back HOME. HOME to YOU. And in coming HOME, you get to begin dismantling the old programs and structures you’ve picked up that have kept you away, lost, searching, abandoning, unfulfilled, pushing, trying…trying…
Using Human Design in all of your relationships (family, romantic, parenting, work), provides a level of understanding, acceptance, and compassion for the other that bypasses the mind and ego’s hold and allows the heart to lead with a level of “I really get you”, that can’t be reached in any other way so quickly. It’s crazy bananas!!
My heart is soaring as I write this, because I am SO LIT UP BY THIS TOOL!! Specifically, how it can help and support the healing of the great divide within ourselves and each other in all areas of our lives. We all get to understand and accept our unique beautiful selves fully and completely so we can live our lives on purpose. Parents understand their children better and can parent better. Romantic partners can accept each other fully and have more fulfilling relationships. Business partners can understand and accept each other better and become aware of each other’s strengths and how to work best together to create more success in their business. Corporations and teams get to understand their team members, better leverage their team members in the roles that best align with them, and they get to know what best supports each person overall to create a more fulfilling, supportive, and successful work environment.
It's truly incredible that we have such a tool at our fingertips!
Human Design is not a new tool. It was developed in the 1980’s and brings together principles of The I Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. To begin with Human Design, you only need your birth date, time, and birth place. With that information, your Human Design Chart (sample shown below), also called a BodyGraph, is calculated to reveal your energetic blueprint, also known as your genetic design.
In your unique design are profound psychological insights that can help you make the best choices for yourself at the right time, supporting you towards a better and more fulfilled life.

So, I know! How can you begin utilizing this incredible tool? There are many ways to begin.
First, to generate your Human Design chart, you can go to Jovian Archive (, click on Get Your Free Chart and enter your birth information.
The chart isn’t super-intuitive, so it’s good to have someone trained in Human Design interpret if for you. Here are a few ways I can support you:
One-on-One Coaching: If you ‘ve been in my community for long, you know that when I’m excited about something I jump in and that’s what I’ve done with Human Design. I use Human Design in my own life and I’m now trained in Human Design, so I’ve integrated it into my coaching business as a key tool where appropriate and when desired by the client. One-on-one coaching is one powerful way to begin.
One-on-One Human Design Session: This is a 60 minute session where you learn about your human design and how to begin integrating it. I decided to offer these sessions to help those who want that focused time and attention on Human Design. I’m super excited to offer these sessions! This is great for those new to Human Design and those who may already be familiar with it. These sessions are designed to meet you where you are.
Intro to Human Design FREE Virtual Workshop: Get on the waitlist NOW! This is a 60 minute group session where you begin to learn about your human design. We focus on the introductory key areas of your human design so you walk away with some foundational elements to begin integrating. If this resonates with you, get on the waitlist NOW by clicking the link below. Once the date is set, you will be notified.
Now, if you’re feeling called to roll up your sleeves and learn Human Design and how to read your chart on your own, I’ve got you covered!
Jovian Archive ( is a great place to start the learning process. There are many videos and articles here from the creator of Human Design (Ra Uru Hu).
A really good book on Human Design is Human Design: The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation by Ra Uru Hu.
In your learning journey, always remember that this tool should be presented in a way that uplifts and empowers you. If you encounter anything other than that, keep it moving.
And of course, if you choose to get a solid introduction first and then dive in and study on your own, you can always jump into a session or workshop with me first.
Whatever path calls to you, trust it and honor it. I feel to say that again... Trust whatever resonates with you and honor it. As you’ll learn, your inner guidance knows best.
Human Design is a powerful tool for thriving and I can’t wait to hear how it serves you as you begin to utilize it.
© Pursue Your Passion, LLC

Pam Smith is a certified life coach, business consultant, and professional actress. She supports professionals and entrepreneurs in trusting and honoring their deepest desires and passions to finally begin creating a live they love.