Two Simple Questions To Set Your 2017 On Fire
How you start off, with anything, can make all the difference. When it comes to the energy of a new year, especially a 1 universal year,...
Top 3 Keys To Making Resolutions Stick
At the start of the year, I had the pleasure of appearing on my friend Angela’s television show called, “A Woman’s Place” to share my top...
The Power Of Gratitude In Achieving Your Goals & Creating A Life You LOVE!
Would you say that you practice an attitude of gratitude on a regular basis? Is it just when things in your life are going well or do...
If Not Now, When?
Life, in this physical form, is such a finite concept, yet we often act as if it's infinite. Why is that? We say or think things like:...
Top 5 Ways To Step Out of "Hard" and Into "Flow"
Have you ever felt the feeling of being in flow with your life or in flow with your goals? "In flow" is a common reference used to...